Let me explain you whats goin on around here

Carta a una amiga en USAmerica

Nota de Aporrea: A nuestra redacción llegó esta carta que por su contenido consideramos interesante dar a conocer a quienes viven en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica y a dondequiera que lean Aporrea, que solo hablan inglés y que están sometidos a un bombardeo mediático inmisericorde contra Venezuela.
Caracas, June 2016

First of everything please receive my salutes with the best wish that your sense of humour is keeping alive your craziness as a valid resource to hold up our self in this wild world. Also and beside, I hope your interest and patience could be enough to follow my english wording. Any way I´ll take revenge in case you write back something in spanish.

Do you remember the studies at the beginning of 70´s regarding ¨the limits to grow¨?
.. for that time the world population was around 2.1/2 thousand millions and now is more than 7.1/2 thousand, so certainly few things had change, by example the methods and systems to govern, manage, conduct, manipulate, and/or living or surviving in the planet, in different territories and countries, societies, communities, families, and also changes in the interrelation with the social-political-environmental diversity inside and outside our circles of action. We can´t be rigid about it unless we get unconscious of it. Look to me that more and more people are getting conscious, but not the majority, and it´s an important reason so as there are evolutions in certain things as the technological one, so as there are involution in many others, creating uncomodities, confrontations, untolerations..between sociopolitical living modes.

Following with your question about what the ¨press¨ said that is ¨going on¨ in Venezuela, I don´t know exactly what you got, but I can image in some way it´s just a brush stroke of the terrorific, intentional and pointedly mediatic campaign that as part of a bigger plan to provoke socioeconomic unbalance, as a first step, to the actual venezuelan government from the different interested parties and lobbies that play in the geopolitical war of fourth generation up to day , and where the ¨media¨ is the more bastard mode for the strategic use of a reverse psychology that prepare the way to others subsequent modes. It´s used, as we can perceive, in the present USA presidential campaign, in the venezuelan political situation and at most of others countries even cotidiantly through the publicity and the cibermediatic psicopenetration, pretending to weaken or to take out governments or persons that not act in favor of the interest of who impulse this campaigns.

Regarding USA and in my personal opinion, I sympathy with the profundity implicit in a note that you pasted a few weeks ago that said something like that: ¨ I don´t think America (USA) should elect any president in 2016. We need to be single for a few years and find ourselves¨.Look to me there is a pressure to decide between two traditional options that not represent the whole interest of an USA important percentage of population, nor an opportune, evaluative and evolutive move to adjust certain internal and external socio political issues and running policies in the middling time ahead, for the equidad and wellbeing of his own people and his equilibrate participation in the whole planet. But this is the reality, the maturity of countries social changes where the economic (energy modes, minerals and bio extractives, productivity, financing modes,..) and environmental aspects (population grow, contamination, water resources, deserting, feeding, global warming,..) are determinant factors which take more time that the time for the majority of the individual persons, elitestic o special groups to impulse a move to change.

At this point, I´m curious and will appreciate your opinion about: The economic and social reality of USAmerican society at the actual moments?..Even if I can imagine your tendency, what do you think of D. Trump, H. Clinton and B. Sanders.. how each of them can influentiate positive o negative the future of USA and/or the planet ?..If it´s there a desire for good, exist a brake o inflection point in curse ?.. What about the jewish, christian, Bilderberger, Gun National Association and some others similar or powerful lobbies influence in the decisions of USAmerican political strategies?.. What can do a new USAmerican president o government to improve the respect, goodwill and integral relationship with the latin american diversity ? ..

Regarding Venezuela, the foreign economic and mediatic pressure , almost a blockade, with his internal o local lobbies and oppositers, together with the actual government limited operative capacity to confront and administrate a non-control ineffectivity to handle the problems of domestic security, so as the provisions and supplies dependency from the external products or industrial manufacture ones, in an almost mono productive country ( 90 % ingress from petroleum industry) which make difficult his capacity for respond to them, and also limited in the prospective vision for the middling terms. I can said that really we are inside a hard economic and mediatic war, but with the advantage that we are not Cuba 60´s to 2000, and we (VNZ) are handling with economic natural (petroleum, mining,..) resources (external developed technologies) so as certify reserves (Many of us are getting very conscious it´s not the more convenient for our integral development and fortress) to palliate the day to day difficulties, beside the historical experience and solidary actitude of venezuelans in previous situations. Fortunately, for this actitude, we are not isolated in the world concert and these are resources in game just right now.

In here, there is a good quantity of citizens that are not pushing for none of the extreme poles in conflict (opposition-government) because really their interested parties are the problem to superate. The change and evolution that I consider we need is not to fall in this radical limit of one or the other one, it should be to oxygenate the feasible alternatives to get out of the actual problematic and real crisis. To arrive and recognize a crisis is an opportunity to make personal and collective conscience of the problems, to be obligated to ¨confront¨ them and develop actions and solutions to overcome them and keep going. Let said ¨to be a part of the participative solutions and not become as a part of the problem¨.

Well my dear Debbie, so far I start to sound as a politician dreamer !.. so take the residues of this words and please in a moment of catharsis let move the windmills of your mind ! , at least it could be a good exercise to avoid any premature sign of Alzheimer ! . …. oooommmmmmhhhhhh!!!....

En inglés ha sido casi un ¨parto¨, en español sería más directo, conciso y resumido.

Por favor dale mis saludos a Daniela, Lara, family and friends , and to all your fans.

Un fuerte abrazo !..., Manuel.

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